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Net debug


Example to enable Net debug , compile with the following flags


-D WLED_DEBUG_HOST='"192.168.x.y"' ;; to send debug messages over network to host 192.168.x.y - FQDN is also possible

-D WLED_DEBUG_NET_PORT=1878 ;; port for network debugging. default = 7868

To access net debug from the host type the following netcat example :

nc -l 1878 -u

Debug can be switched on and off in the Info tab:


Fork Specific info


No need to specify ip address and port in platformio.ini and therefor hardcode in bin/esp32. Go to Sync Interfaces / Net debug and specify there. Set output to network pressing Net Debug in the info tab (default off after reboot).

See release notes v0.14.0-b15/manage netdebug serial logging in settings