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Four Line Display

I2C 4 Line Display Usermod

First, thanks to the authors of the ssd11306_i2c_oled_u8g2 mod.

Provides a four line display using either 128x32 or 128x64 OLED displays. It can operate independently, but starts to provide a relatively complete on-device UI when paired with the Rotary Encoder UI usermod. I strongly encourage you to use them together.

See the pair of usermods in action


Copy and update the example platformio_override.ini.sample from the Rotary Encoder UI usermode folder to the root directory of your particular build. This file should be placed in the same directory as platformio.ini.

Define Your Options

  • USERMOD_FOUR_LINE_DISPLAY - define this to have this mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp - also tells Rotary Encoder usermod, if installed, the display is available
  • FLD_PIN_SCL - The display SCL pin, defaults to 5
  • FLD_PIN_SDA - The display SDA pin, defaults to 4

All of the parameters can be configured via the Usermods settings page, inluding GPIO pins.

PlatformIO requirements

This usermod requires the U8g2 and Wire libraries. See the platformio_override.ini.sample found in the Rotary Encoder UI usermod folder for how to include these using platformio_override.ini.


  • enabled - enable/disable usermod
  • pin - GPIO pins used for display; I2C displays use Clk & Data; SPI displays can use SCK, MOSI, CS, DC & RST
  • type - display type in numeric format
    • 1 = I2C SSD1306 128x32
    • 2 = I2C SH1106 128x32
    • 3 = I2C SSD1306 128x64 (4 double-height lines)
    • 4 = I2C SSD1305 128x32
    • 5 = I2C SSD1305 128x64 (4 double-height lines)
    • 6 = SPI SSD1306 128x32
    • 7 = SPI SSD1306 128x64 (4 double-height lines)
  • contrast - set display contrast (higher contrast may reduce display lifetime)
  • refreshRateSec - display refresh time in seconds
  • screenTimeOutSec - screen saver time-out in seconds
  • flip - flip/rotate display 180°
  • sleepMode - enable/disable screen saver
  • clockMode - enable/disable clock display in screen saver mode
  • i2c-freq-kHz - I2C clock frequency in kHz (may help reduce dropped frames, range: 400-3400)

Change Log

2021-02 * First public release

2021-04 * Adaptation for runtime configuration.

2021-11 * Added configuration option description.

I2C 4 Line Display Usermod ALT

Thank you to the authors of the original version of these usermods. It would not have been possible without them! "usermod_v2_four_line_display" "usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui"

The core of these usermods are a copy of the originals. The main changes are to the FourLineDisplay usermod. The display usermod UI has been completely changed.

The changes made to the RotaryEncoder usermod were made to support the new UI in the display usermod. Without the display it, functions identical to the original. The original "usermod_v2_auto_save" will not work with the display just yet.

Press the encoder to cycle through the options: Brightness Speed Intensity Palette Effect Main Color (only if display is used) *Saturation (only if display is used)

Press and hold the encoder to display Network Info if AP is active, it will display AP, SSID and password

Also shows if the timer is enabled

See the pair of usermods in action


Please refer to the original usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui readme for the main instructions Then to activate this alternative usermod add #define USE_ALT_DISPLAY to the usermods_list.cpp file, or add -D USE_ALT_DISPLAY to the original platformio_override.ini.sample file

PlatformIO requirements

Note: the Four Line Display usermod requires the libraries U8g2 and Wire.

Change Log

2021-10 * First public release

Fork specific info